Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Journal of the Early Americas

Journal of the Early Americas

A premier publication of the discerning history-enthusiast and interpreter portraying 1521-1848

Arts & Artisans: The people, tools, ad techniques to accurately recreate items Axes in New France
Hoppus & Hatchet: Camps, Accourtrements, Trekking Rope on the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Hearthstone: Dress, Music, Dancing, Gardening, Games, Sports, and more about home life Schoenbrunn Village
The Early Americas: Articles featuring different regions and time periods Coming to America: The Indentured Servants
To Arms: Weapons, Tactics & Diplomacy, Early Law, and Politics A Window to the North Fur Trade
Descerning Re-enactor: Featured Interpreters, and developing a persona
Punchbowl: Just like the original punch, we will combine whatever we have The Hissing Viper
A Matter of Taste: Recipes, Cooking, Gardening & Food ways