Monday, November 12, 2012

Colonial Book List

The Choice Books of 1772-75

Jonathan Edwards's Sermons
Witherspoon on the Gospels
Whitefield's Letters
Domestic Medicine or the Family Physician
Dissertations on the gout, essays on comets,
treatises on the keeping of bees
Bishop Burnet's History
Pope's Essay on Man
Dr. Priestley's Experimental Philosophy
Dean Swift
Claredon's History of the English Rebellion
Bailey's or Johnson's Standard Dictionary
or the Dictionary of Arts an Sciences
A keen zest for theological disputation and polemic pamphlets prevailed,
and sermons of the native clergy...
The Frugal Housewife and Complete Woman Cook
Watt's psalms and hymns sold largely in America
Spelling books and primers
Among the imported books offered to the public  in 1765 was The Messiah
 and Providence.

Read more...Americans of 1776
Daily Life in Revolutionary America
James Schouler
Clearfield Company